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Events are the information collected by de SDK

There are different categories of events, Http, view cycle, errors, tags, security... each tag has a queue with a custom configured queue, how many items , priority, batch size count .. etc its configured for every kind of events.

When a packet is sended to the Obsly servers all, the system attaches information to this event , that complements de Session. This information is categorized in App data (version, bundle id, etc..), Device (device model, hardware, so, manufacturer, rooted, etc..), User (userID, personID....) and Session data.

All the reporting, encript and queue handling are performed in background threads, and battery level, communication queue are considered.

All the information stored in the device is encripted using secure enclave techniques.

If an error occurs all the information is sended when the sdk is initialized.

If the communications with server are not working, we attemp to deliver the events 3 times , and stored maximum 1 week , then the local events are deleted.


All the events belongs to a session.

A Session is created automatically when the sdk starts, but you have methods , to stop, close, and create new session if you needit.

A session represents how the user interacts with the app, which navigation flow, in which times, http request , status codes, tags, all the information need to solve a crash or inspect users behavior

All the session also have the installationId, this ID is unique in every installation in a device

Http Request


The HTTP requests are monitored using secure swizziling, you don't need to add extracode in your app. You can use your own custom protocol (URLProtocol).


To track http request you need to use some of our interceptos

  • okHttp3
  • Retrofit
  • HttpURLConnection



Compatible with ios 10.3 or higher, swift 5

You can install the sdk using Cocoapods or SPM pod 'Obsly' will add you to your workspace


Java 1.8 or higher

Minimum supported API level: Android API 21 Android Gradle plug-in: 4.0.x

Java ant Kotlin is supported